Cuba Tour Itinerary

This is the itinerary for one of my January 2023 tours. The exact details of our 2024 tours will depend on the preferences of the tour participants, and the availability of the casas particulares, etc.

Day 1: Arrival in Havana
transfer by private van
Ice Cream at Comicprivately owned ice cream and pastry shop
Welcome dinner at Gradosdinner at innovative privately owned paladar featuring local ingredients
Fabrica de Arte Cubanoinnovative Cuban artists and musicians co-op
Luxury Villa Casa Nostraprivate casa particular
Day 2: Havana
Cuban coffee at neighbor’s coffee stall(some participants) talked to proprietor about current situation in Cuba
tour of Havana in classic convertiblesprivately owned cars, operated by independent entrepreneurs
Understand Cuba with a Sociologistwalking tour with independent guide Claudia, discussed Cuban economy and prospects for change
lunch at La Esquina de Oropurchased lunch sandwiches and snacks at privately owned cafe
visited local galleries and artist shops(some participants) purchased art at Brava Designs
Dinner at Habana Mia 7discussed current living conditions at private restaurant with Cuban friends
Jazz music at Bar H y 23private bar to hear jazz musicians
Luxury Villa Casa Nostra
Day 3: Havana to Cienfuegos
Afro-Cuban culture tour with Miguel and Patriciaprivate guides discussed Afro Cuban history and race relations in Cuba today
drinks and lunch at outdoor cafediscussed current situation with our Afro Cuban history guides
walking tour of Cienfuegoswalking tour with guide Danys, discussed current situation in Cuba
Casa Prado Paladardinner at independent restaurant; gratuities for staff and musicians
Hostel Maikel Housestayed at independent casa particular owned by entrepreneur
Day 4: Cienfuegos to Trinidad
art walk in Cienfuegosprivate guide Beatriz introduced us to independent artists and galleries
visit to Arte Moda fashion shopmet with the artist / fashion designer Lourdes Trigo
visit to art galleryLizzette Perez Castro – purchased art and heard about life for women in Cuba, expressed in many of her paintings
Lunch at El Bosqueprivately owned beachfront restaurant
walking tour of Trinidadwalking tour with guide, discussed current situation in Cuba
Jazz Cafe Trinidad*dinner at privately owned jazz cafe
Casa Elioprivately owned casa particular – donated health care and school supplies to owner Elio,
Day 5: Trinidad
walking tour of Trinidad with Duvieldiscussed and current political and economic situation, visited art galleries and (some participants) purchased art from individual artists, talked with them about ifr in Cuba
lunch at Bar Cafe Trinidadmet with owner (parents of recent Cuban refugee)
beach visit at Playa Anconarented beach chairs and purchased beverages from independent businesses
Dinner at Doña Clarafamily restaurant, hosted a Cuban family
Dancing at Club Ayala (The Cave)purchased drinks/tickets and socialized with Cubans
Casa Elioprivately owned casa particular
Day 6: Trinidad to Santa Clara
Slow food ecological farm Taguascovisited Casimiro family, privately owned self-sufficient ecological farm, discussed agricultural history and present challenges
visited city center of Santa Clara w. guidediscussed Santa Clara life today
Dinner at Ranchito Aqua Vivaprivately owned restaurant, hosted our driver who shared his life story
Bar Museo de la Revolucionsocialized with local Cubans at privately owned bar-museum
Club Mejunje LGBT-friendly community centersocialized with local Cubans
Hostel Yakelynprivately owned casa particulares
Day 7: Santa Clara to Havana
Bar Museo de la Revoluciondonated a variety of health care and school supplies, talked with artists and (some participants) purchased art and collectibles
Lunch at Fusionelunch at private restaurant, with performance by local musicians who we tipped
Farewell dinner at Grados, Havanaprivate restaurant that buys from local purveyors, heard about local food movement
Bought ice cream at a local cafe – Comicprivate cafe
Villa Casa Nostraprivately owned casa particulares
Day 8: Havana
Murals tour with art historian Claudiaheard about neighborhood revitalization project and artists’ social commentaries
visit to Galeria Liliavisited a local artist in his gallery and purchased art from him
Departure from Havana